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Realizing the importance of primary education, the present government is working relentlessly to ensure equitable and quality primary education. There is no substitute for quality teachers to ensure quality education. In order to create quality teachers at Upazila Resource Center, Jessore Sadar, Jessore 907 people in FY 2015-16, 530 people in FY 2017-18, 1239 people in FY 2017-18, 256 people in FY 2018-19 and 257 people in FY 2019-20 Bengali-90+ English = 90 + Baobi-150+ Prabi-150+ Shashi-90+ Music-90) A total of 810 teachers have been trained. Needless to say, due to the global outbreak of the corona virus, our country, like other countries in the world, has closed educational institutions, so no teacher training activities were conducted in the fiscal year 2020-2021. Teacher quality of trained school teachers is verified through school inspection. Other schools also have regular academic supervision as per the standards. Demand-based sub-cluster training is ongoing. In addition, the URC-affiliated model government primary school performance records are maintained and all suggestions are given for school development. According to the annual work plan, various activities including celebration of various national days, tree planting program, annual sports and cultural programs, meeting of Upazila Education Committee, monitoring of VGF / VGD activities are carried out in coordination with Upazila Nirbahi Officer and Upazila Education Officer.